commit 52e6c731d3fa6212344fa05d322c8cc1fd2e09b1
Author: ffff: <ffff:>
Date: Fri Dec 13 18:19:14 2024 +0000
Renamed index.scroll to stupid.scroll.pub
diff --git a/index.scroll b/stupid.scroll.pub
similarity index 100%
rename from index.scroll
rename to stupid.scroll.pub
commit 6eadd7a2662ccb5ebfeaee5a36ed49943223dc66
Author: ffff: <ffff:>
Date: Fri Dec 13 18:19:05 2024 +0000
updated index.scroll
diff --git a/index.scroll b/index.scroll
index b394572..f2c1bea 100644
--- a/index.scroll
+++ b/index.scroll
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
linkTitle Aurora
script new Background().aurora()
\ No newline at end of file
commit b5c3d1eb54746255ac4c5db51a647ca1daf3fd3b
Author: Breck Yunits <breck7@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Oct 27 17:07:41 2024 -1000
diff --git a/index.scroll b/index.scroll
index 6bb0416..b394572 100644
--- a/index.scroll
+++ b/index.scroll
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
+linkTitle Aurora
script new Background().aurora()
commit 3683b397723282d07fa162336ba67539e4d4de25
Author: Breck Yunits <breck7@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Oct 27 17:07:15 2024 -1000
diff --git a/header.scroll b/header.scroll
index 4ac466c..5b5d182 100644
--- a/header.scroll
+++ b/header.scroll
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-tags background
+tags background
commit 2c83650c2c2715626cf0e09a2c5659874262f5d7
Author: ffff: <ffff:>
Date: Mon Oct 28 03:01:56 2024 +0000
Updated header.scroll
diff --git a/header.scroll b/header.scroll
index 0561737..4ac466c 100644
--- a/header.scroll
+++ b/header.scroll
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
tags background
commit a3181bbffcb09e7e98a4f10960fe2b171dcecc0e
Author: ffff: <ffff:>
Date: Mon Oct 28 03:01:11 2024 +0000
Updated header.scroll
diff --git a/header.scroll b/header.scroll
index c9afcbb..0561737 100644
--- a/header.scroll
+++ b/header.scroll
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ backgrounds.js
nav background
-css a {font-family: arial; color: white;}
+css a {font-family: arial; color: white; text-decoration: none;} a:hover {text-decoration: underline;}
commit 1e34de28c3cfd48de00da18bd584de41198d57c8
Author: ffff: <ffff:>
Date: Mon Oct 28 03:00:54 2024 +0000
Updated header.scroll
diff --git a/header.scroll b/header.scroll
index 07b3ddd..c9afcbb 100644
--- a/header.scroll
+++ b/header.scroll
@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ backgrounds.js
nav background
+css a {font-family: arial; color: white;}
commit 07845eb98dc3516c2063d9ec6ca997d3028eb6e4
Author: ffff: <ffff:>
Date: Mon Oct 28 03:00:04 2024 +0000
Updated header.scroll
diff --git a/header.scroll b/header.scroll
index 25e125f..07b3ddd 100644
--- a/header.scroll
+++ b/header.scroll
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ buildHtml
nav background
\ No newline at end of file
commit 9ca85eb9dde4cfc18640c0e68141536a6dab75f6
Author: root <root@hub.scroll.pub>
Date: Mon Oct 28 01:39:44 2024 +0000
Added backgrounds.js
diff --git a/backgrounds.js b/backgrounds.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91088ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backgrounds.js
@@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
+// https://github.com/crnacura/AmbientCanvasBackgrounds
+// prettier-ignore
+!function(){"use strict";var r=.5*(Math.sqrt(3)-1),e=(3-Math.sqrt(3))/6,t=1/6,a=(Math.sqrt(5)-1)/4,o=(5-Math.sqrt(5))/20;function i(r){var e;e="function"==typeof r?r:r?function(){var r=0,e=0,t=0,a=1,o=(i=4022871197,function(r){r=r.toString();for(var e=0;e<r.length;e++){var t=.02519603282416938*(i+=r.charCodeAt(e));t-=i=t>>>0,i=(t*=i)>>>0,i+=4294967296*(t-=i)}return 2.3283064365386963e-10*(i>>>0)});var i;r=o(" "),e=o(" "),t=o(" ");for(var n=0;n<arguments.length;n++)(r-=o(arguments[n]))<0&&(r+=1),(e-=o(arguments[n]))<0&&(e+=1),(t-=o(arguments[n]))<0&&(t+=1);return o=null,function(){var o=2091639*r+2.3283064365386963e-10*a;return r=e,e=t,t=o-(a=0|o)}}(r):Math.random,this.p=n(e),this.perm=new Uint8Array(512),this.permMod12=new Uint8Array(512);for(var t=0;t<512;t++)this.perm[t]=this.p[255&t],this.permMod12[t]=this.perm[t]%12}function n(r){var e,t=new Uint8Array(256);for(e=0;e<256;e++)t[e]=e;for(e=0;e<255;e++){var a=e+~~(r()*(256-e)),o=t[e];t[e]=t[a],t[a]=o}return t}i.prototype={grad3:new Float32Array([1,1,0,-1,1,0,1,-1,0,-1,-1,0,1,0,1,-1,0,1,1,0,-1,-1,0,-1,0,1,1,0,-1,1,0,1,-1,0,-1,-1]),grad4:new Float32Array([0,1,1,1,0,1,1,-1,0,1,-1,1,0,1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,1,0,-1,1,-1,0,-1,-1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,-1,1,0,-1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1,1,-1,0,1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,-1,0,-1,-1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,-1,1,-1,0,1,1,-1,0,-1,-1,1,0,1,-1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,1,1,0,1,1,-1,0,1,-1,1,0,1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,1,0,-1,1,-1,0,-1,-1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0]),noise2D:function(t,a){var o,i,n=this.permMod12,f=this.perm,s=this.grad3,v=0,h=0,l=0,u=(t+a)*r,d=Math.floor(t+u),p=Math.floor(a+u),M=(d+p)*e,m=t-(d-M),c=a-(p-M);m>c?(o=1,i=0):(o=0,i=1);var y=m-o+e,w=c-i+e,g=m-1+2*e,A=c-1+2*e,x=255&d,q=255&p,D=.5-m*m-c*c;if(D>=0){var S=3*n[x+f[q]];v=(D*=D)*D*(s[S]*m+s[S+1]*c)}var U=.5-y*y-w*w;if(U>=0){var b=3*n[x+o+f[q+i]];h=(U*=U)*U*(s[b]*y+s[b+1]*w)}var F=.5-g*g-A*A;if(F>=0){var N=3*n[x+1+f[q+1]];l=(F*=F)*F*(s[N]*g+s[N+1]*A)}return 70*(v+h+l)},noise3D:function(r,e,a){var o,i,n,f,s,v,h,l,u,d,p=this.permMod12,M=this.perm,m=this.grad3,c=(r+e+a)*(1/3),y=Math.floor(r+c),w=Math.floor(e+c),g=Math.floor(a+c),A=(y+w+g)*t,x=r-(y-A),q=e-(w-A),D=a-(g-A);x>=q?q>=D?(s=1,v=0,h=0,l=1,u=1,d=0):x>=D?(s=1,v=0,h=0,l=1,u=0,d=1):(s=0,v=0,h=1,l=1,u=0,d=1):q<D?(s=0,v=0,h=1,l=0,u=1,d=1):x<D?(s=0,v=1,h=0,l=0,u=1,d=1):(s=0,v=1,h=0,l=1,u=1,d=0);var S=x-s+t,U=q-v+t,b=D-h+t,F=x-l+2*t,N=q-u+2*t,C=D-d+2*t,P=x-1+.5,T=q-1+.5,_=D-1+.5,j=255&y,k=255&w,z=255&g,B=.6-x*x-q*q-D*D;if(B<0)o=0;else{var E=3*p[j+M[k+M[z]]];o=(B*=B)*B*(m[E]*x+m[E+1]*q+m[E+2]*D)}var G=.6-S*S-U*U-b*b;if(G<0)i=0;else{var H=3*p[j+s+M[k+v+M[z+h]]];i=(G*=G)*G*(m[H]*S+m[H+1]*U+m[H+2]*b)}var I=.6-F*F-N*N-C*C;if(I<0)n=0;else{var J=3*p[j+l+M[k+u+M[z+d]]];n=(I*=I)*I*(m[J]*F+m[J+1]*N+m[J+2]*C)}var K=.6-P*P-T*T-_*_;if(K<0)f=0;else{var L=3*p[j+1+M[k+1+M[z+1]]];f=(K*=K)*K*(m[L]*P+m[L+1]*T+m[L+2]*_)}return 32*(o+i+n+f)},noise4D:function(r,e,t,i){var n,f,s,v,h,l,u,d,p,M,m,c,y,w,g,A,x,q=this.perm,D=this.grad4,S=(r+e+t+i)*a,U=Math.floor(r+S),b=Math.floor(e+S),F=Math.floor(t+S),N=Math.floor(i+S),C=(U+b+F+N)*o,P=r-(U-C),T=e-(b-C),_=t-(F-C),j=i-(N-C),k=0,z=0,B=0,E=0;P>T?k++:z++,P>_?k++:B++,P>j?k++:E++,T>_?z++:B++,T>j?z++:E++,_>j?B++:E++;var G=P-(l=k>=3?1:0)+o,H=T-(u=z>=3?1:0)+o,I=_-(d=B>=3?1:0)+o,J=j-(p=E>=3?1:0)+o,K=P-(M=k>=2?1:0)+2*o,L=T-(m=z>=2?1:0)+2*o,O=_-(c=B>=2?1:0)+2*o,Q=j-(y=E>=2?1:0)+2*o,R=P-(w=k>=1?1:0)+3*o,V=T-(g=z>=1?1:0)+3*o,W=_-(A=B>=1?1:0)+3*o,X=j-(x=E>=1?1:0)+3*o,Y=P-1+4*o,Z=T-1+4*o,$=_-1+4*o,rr=j-1+4*o,er=255&U,tr=255&b,ar=255&F,or=255&N,ir=.6-P*P-T*T-_*_-j*j;if(ir<0)n=0;else{var nr=q[er+q[tr+q[ar+q[or]]]]%32*4;n=(ir*=ir)*ir*(D[nr]*P+D[nr+1]*T+D[nr+2]*_+D[nr+3]*j)}var fr=.6-G*G-H*H-I*I-J*J;if(fr<0)f=0;else{var sr=q[er+l+q[tr+u+q[ar+d+q[or+p]]]]%32*4;f=(fr*=fr)*fr*(D[sr]*G+D[sr+1]*H+D[sr+2]*I+D[sr+3]*J)}var vr=.6-K*K-L*L-O*O-Q*Q;if(vr<0)s=0;else{var hr=q[er+M+q[tr+m+q[ar+c+q[or+y]]]]%32*4;s=(vr*=vr)*vr*(D[hr]*K+D[hr+1]*L+D[hr+2]*O+D[hr+3]*Q)}var lr=.6-R*R-V*V-W*W-X*X;if(lr<0)v=0;else{var ur=q[er+w+q[tr+g+q[ar+A+q[or+x]]]]%32*4;v=(lr*=lr)*lr*(D[ur]*R+D[ur+1]*V+D[ur+2]*W+D[ur+3]*X)}var dr=.6-Y*Y-Z*Z-$*$-rr*rr;if(dr<0)h=0;else{var pr=q[er+1+q[tr+1+q[ar+1+q[or+1]]]]%32*4;h=(dr*=dr)*dr*(D[pr]*Y+D[pr+1]*Z+D[pr+2]*$+D[pr+3]*rr)}return 27*(n+f+s+v+h)}},i._buildPermutationTable=n,"undefined"!=typeof define&&define.amd&&define(function(){return i}),"undefined"!=typeof exports?exports.SimplexNoise=i:"undefined"!=typeof window&&(window.SimplexNoise=i),"undefined"!=typeof module&&(module.exports=i)}();
+const { PI, cos, sin, abs, sqrt, pow, round, random, atan2 } = Math
+const HALF_PI = 0.5 * PI
+const TAU = 2 * PI
+const TO_RAD = PI / 180
+const floor = (n) => n | 0
+const rand = (n) => n * random()
+const randIn = (min, max) => rand(max - min) + min
+const randRange = (n) => n - rand(2 * n)
+const fadeIn = (t, m) => t / m
+const fadeOut = (t, m) => (m - t) / m
+const fadeInOut = (t, m) => {
+ let hm = 0.5 * m
+ return abs(((t + hm) % m) - hm) / hm
+const dist = (x1, y1, x2, y2) => sqrt(pow(x2 - x1, 2) + pow(y2 - y1, 2))
+const angle = (x1, y1, x2, y2) => atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
+const lerp = (n1, n2, speed) => (1 - speed) * n1 + speed * n2
+const CANVAS_STYLE = `
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ z-index: -1;
+ `
+class Background {
+ constructor() {
+ document.body.insertAdjacentHTML(
+ "beforeend",
+ '<div class="background"></div>',
+ )
+ this.selector = ".background"
+ }
+ aurora() {
+ const rayCount = 500
+ const rayPropCount = 8
+ const rayPropsLength = rayCount * rayPropCount
+ const baseLength = 200
+ const rangeLength = 200
+ const baseSpeed = 0.05
+ const rangeSpeed = 0.1
+ const baseWidth = 10
+ const rangeWidth = 20
+ const baseHue = 120
+ const rangeHue = 60
+ const baseTTL = 50
+ const rangeTTL = 100
+ const noiseStrength = 100
+ const xOff = 0.0015
+ const yOff = 0.0015
+ const zOff = 0.0015
+ const backgroundColor = "hsla(220,60%,3%,1)"
+ let container
+ let canvas
+ let ctx
+ let center
+ let tick
+ let simplex
+ let rayProps
+ function setup() {
+ createCanvas()
+ resize()
+ initRays()
+ draw()
+ }
+ function initRays() {
+ tick = 0
+ simplex = new SimplexNoise()
+ rayProps = new Float32Array(rayPropsLength)
+ let i
+ for (i = 0; i < rayPropsLength; i += rayPropCount) {
+ initRay(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function initRay(i) {
+ let length, x, y1, y2, n, life, ttl, width, speed, hue
+ length = baseLength + rand(rangeLength)
+ x = rand(canvas.a.width)
+ y1 = center[1] + noiseStrength
+ y2 = center[1] + noiseStrength - length
+ n = simplex.noise3D(x * xOff, y1 * yOff, tick * zOff) * noiseStrength
+ y1 += n
+ y2 += n
+ life = 0
+ ttl = baseTTL + rand(rangeTTL)
+ width = baseWidth + rand(rangeWidth)
+ speed = baseSpeed + rand(rangeSpeed) * (round(rand(1)) ? 1 : -1)
+ hue = baseHue + rand(rangeHue)
+ rayProps.set([x, y1, y2, life, ttl, width, speed, hue], i)
+ }
+ function drawRays() {
+ let i
+ for (i = 0; i < rayPropsLength; i += rayPropCount) {
+ updateRay(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function updateRay(i) {
+ let i2 = 1 + i,
+ i3 = 2 + i,
+ i4 = 3 + i,
+ i5 = 4 + i,
+ i6 = 5 + i,
+ i7 = 6 + i,
+ i8 = 7 + i
+ let x, y1, y2, life, ttl, width, speed, hue
+ x = rayProps[i]
+ y1 = rayProps[i2]
+ y2 = rayProps[i3]
+ life = rayProps[i4]
+ ttl = rayProps[i5]
+ width = rayProps[i6]
+ speed = rayProps[i7]
+ hue = rayProps[i8]
+ drawRay(x, y1, y2, life, ttl, width, hue)
+ x += speed
+ life++
+ rayProps[i] = x
+ rayProps[i4] = life
+ ;(checkBounds(x) || life > ttl) && initRay(i)
+ }
+ function drawRay(x, y1, y2, life, ttl, width, hue) {
+ let gradient
+ gradient = ctx.a.createLinearGradient(x, y1, x, y2)
+ gradient.addColorStop(0, `hsla(${hue},100%,65%,0)`)
+ gradient.addColorStop(
+ 0.5,
+ `hsla(${hue},100%,65%,${fadeInOut(life, ttl)})`,
+ )
+ gradient.addColorStop(1, `hsla(${hue},100%,65%,0)`)
+ ctx.a.save()
+ ctx.a.beginPath()
+ ctx.a.strokeStyle = gradient
+ ctx.a.lineWidth = width
+ ctx.a.moveTo(x, y1)
+ ctx.a.lineTo(x, y2)
+ ctx.a.stroke()
+ ctx.a.closePath()
+ ctx.a.restore()
+ }
+ function checkBounds(x) {
+ return x < 0 || x > canvas.a.width
+ }
+ const { selector } = this
+ function createCanvas() {
+ container = document.querySelector(selector)
+ canvas = {
+ a: document.createElement("canvas"),
+ b: document.createElement("canvas"),
+ }
+ canvas.b.style = CANVAS_STYLE
+ container.appendChild(canvas.b)
+ ctx = {
+ a: canvas.a.getContext("2d"),
+ b: canvas.b.getContext("2d"),
+ }
+ center = []
+ }
+ function resize() {
+ const { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window
+ canvas.a.width = innerWidth
+ canvas.a.height = innerHeight
+ ctx.a.drawImage(canvas.b, 0, 0)
+ canvas.b.width = innerWidth
+ canvas.b.height = innerHeight
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ center[0] = 0.5 * canvas.a.width
+ center[1] = 0.5 * canvas.a.height
+ }
+ function render() {
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.filter = "blur(12px)"
+ ctx.a.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ }
+ function draw() {
+ tick++
+ ctx.a.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.a.width, canvas.a.height)
+ ctx.b.fillStyle = backgroundColor
+ ctx.b.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.b.width, canvas.a.height)
+ drawRays()
+ render()
+ window.requestAnimationFrame(draw)
+ }
+ window.addEventListener("load", setup)
+ window.addEventListener("resize", resize)
+ }
+ shift() {
+ const circleCount = 150
+ const circlePropCount = 8
+ const circlePropsLength = circleCount * circlePropCount
+ const baseSpeed = 0.1
+ const rangeSpeed = 1
+ const baseTTL = 150
+ const rangeTTL = 200
+ const baseRadius = 100
+ const rangeRadius = 200
+ const rangeHue = 60
+ const xOff = 0.0015
+ const yOff = 0.0015
+ const zOff = 0.0015
+ const backgroundColor = "hsla(0,0%,5%,1)"
+ let container
+ let canvas
+ let ctx
+ let circles
+ let circleProps
+ let simplex
+ let baseHue
+ function setup() {
+ createCanvas()
+ resize()
+ initCircles()
+ draw()
+ }
+ function initCircles() {
+ circleProps = new Float32Array(circlePropsLength)
+ simplex = new SimplexNoise()
+ baseHue = 220
+ let i
+ for (i = 0; i < circlePropsLength; i += circlePropCount) {
+ initCircle(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function initCircle(i) {
+ let x, y, n, t, speed, vx, vy, life, ttl, radius, hue
+ x = rand(canvas.a.width)
+ y = rand(canvas.a.height)
+ n = simplex.noise3D(x * xOff, y * yOff, baseHue * zOff)
+ t = rand(TAU)
+ speed = baseSpeed + rand(rangeSpeed)
+ vx = speed * cos(t)
+ vy = speed * sin(t)
+ life = 0
+ ttl = baseTTL + rand(rangeTTL)
+ radius = baseRadius + rand(rangeRadius)
+ hue = baseHue + n * rangeHue
+ circleProps.set([x, y, vx, vy, life, ttl, radius, hue], i)
+ }
+ function updateCircles() {
+ let i
+ baseHue++
+ for (i = 0; i < circlePropsLength; i += circlePropCount) {
+ updateCircle(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function updateCircle(i) {
+ let i2 = 1 + i,
+ i3 = 2 + i,
+ i4 = 3 + i,
+ i5 = 4 + i,
+ i6 = 5 + i,
+ i7 = 6 + i,
+ i8 = 7 + i
+ let x, y, vx, vy, life, ttl, radius, hue
+ x = circleProps[i]
+ y = circleProps[i2]
+ vx = circleProps[i3]
+ vy = circleProps[i4]
+ life = circleProps[i5]
+ ttl = circleProps[i6]
+ radius = circleProps[i7]
+ hue = circleProps[i8]
+ drawCircle(x, y, life, ttl, radius, hue)
+ life++
+ circleProps[i] = x + vx
+ circleProps[i2] = y + vy
+ circleProps[i5] = life
+ ;(checkBounds(x, y, radius) || life > ttl) && initCircle(i)
+ }
+ function drawCircle(x, y, life, ttl, radius, hue) {
+ ctx.a.save()
+ ctx.a.fillStyle = `hsla(${hue},60%,30%,${fadeInOut(life, ttl)})`
+ ctx.a.beginPath()
+ ctx.a.arc(x, y, radius, 0, TAU)
+ ctx.a.fill()
+ ctx.a.closePath()
+ ctx.a.restore()
+ }
+ function checkBounds(x, y, radius) {
+ return (
+ x < -radius ||
+ x > canvas.a.width + radius ||
+ y < -radius ||
+ y > canvas.a.height + radius
+ )
+ }
+ const { selector } = this
+ function createCanvas() {
+ container = document.querySelector(selector)
+ canvas = {
+ a: document.createElement("canvas"),
+ b: document.createElement("canvas"),
+ }
+ canvas.b.style = CANVAS_STYLE
+ container.appendChild(canvas.b)
+ ctx = {
+ a: canvas.a.getContext("2d"),
+ b: canvas.b.getContext("2d"),
+ }
+ }
+ function resize() {
+ const { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window
+ canvas.a.width = innerWidth
+ canvas.a.height = innerHeight
+ ctx.a.drawImage(canvas.b, 0, 0)
+ canvas.b.width = innerWidth
+ canvas.b.height = innerHeight
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ }
+ function render() {
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.filter = "blur(50px)"
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ }
+ function draw() {
+ ctx.a.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.a.width, canvas.a.height)
+ ctx.b.fillStyle = backgroundColor
+ ctx.b.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.b.width, canvas.b.height)
+ updateCircles()
+ render()
+ window.requestAnimationFrame(draw)
+ }
+ window.addEventListener("load", setup)
+ window.addEventListener("resize", resize)
+ }
+ swirl() {
+ const particleCount = 700
+ const particlePropCount = 9
+ const particlePropsLength = particleCount * particlePropCount
+ const rangeY = 100
+ const baseTTL = 50
+ const rangeTTL = 150
+ const baseSpeed = 0.1
+ const rangeSpeed = 2
+ const baseRadius = 1
+ const rangeRadius = 4
+ const baseHue = 220
+ const rangeHue = 100
+ const noiseSteps = 8
+ const xOff = 0.00125
+ const yOff = 0.00125
+ const zOff = 0.0005
+ const backgroundColor = "hsla(260,40%,5%,1)"
+ let container
+ let canvas
+ let ctx
+ let center
+ let gradient
+ let tick
+ let simplex
+ let particleProps
+ let positions
+ let velocities
+ let lifeSpans
+ let speeds
+ let sizes
+ let hues
+ function setup() {
+ createCanvas()
+ resize()
+ initParticles()
+ draw()
+ }
+ function initParticles() {
+ tick = 0
+ simplex = new SimplexNoise()
+ particleProps = new Float32Array(particlePropsLength)
+ let i
+ for (i = 0; i < particlePropsLength; i += particlePropCount) {
+ initParticle(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function initParticle(i) {
+ let x, y, vx, vy, life, ttl, speed, radius, hue
+ x = rand(canvas.a.width)
+ y = center[1] + randRange(rangeY)
+ vx = 0
+ vy = 0
+ life = 0
+ ttl = baseTTL + rand(rangeTTL)
+ speed = baseSpeed + rand(rangeSpeed)
+ radius = baseRadius + rand(rangeRadius)
+ hue = baseHue + rand(rangeHue)
+ particleProps.set([x, y, vx, vy, life, ttl, speed, radius, hue], i)
+ }
+ function drawParticles() {
+ let i
+ for (i = 0; i < particlePropsLength; i += particlePropCount) {
+ updateParticle(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function updateParticle(i) {
+ let i2 = 1 + i,
+ i3 = 2 + i,
+ i4 = 3 + i,
+ i5 = 4 + i,
+ i6 = 5 + i,
+ i7 = 6 + i,
+ i8 = 7 + i,
+ i9 = 8 + i
+ let n, x, y, vx, vy, life, ttl, speed, x2, y2, radius, hue
+ x = particleProps[i]
+ y = particleProps[i2]
+ n = simplex.noise3D(x * xOff, y * yOff, tick * zOff) * noiseSteps * TAU
+ vx = lerp(particleProps[i3], cos(n), 0.5)
+ vy = lerp(particleProps[i4], sin(n), 0.5)
+ life = particleProps[i5]
+ ttl = particleProps[i6]
+ speed = particleProps[i7]
+ x2 = x + vx * speed
+ y2 = y + vy * speed
+ radius = particleProps[i8]
+ hue = particleProps[i9]
+ drawParticle(x, y, x2, y2, life, ttl, radius, hue)
+ life++
+ particleProps[i] = x2
+ particleProps[i2] = y2
+ particleProps[i3] = vx
+ particleProps[i4] = vy
+ particleProps[i5] = life
+ ;(checkBounds(x, y) || life > ttl) && initParticle(i)
+ }
+ function drawParticle(x, y, x2, y2, life, ttl, radius, hue) {
+ ctx.a.save()
+ ctx.a.lineCap = "round"
+ ctx.a.lineWidth = radius
+ ctx.a.strokeStyle = `hsla(${hue},100%,60%,${fadeInOut(life, ttl)})`
+ ctx.a.beginPath()
+ ctx.a.moveTo(x, y)
+ ctx.a.lineTo(x2, y2)
+ ctx.a.stroke()
+ ctx.a.closePath()
+ ctx.a.restore()
+ }
+ function checkBounds(x, y) {
+ return x > canvas.a.width || x < 0 || y > canvas.a.height || y < 0
+ }
+ const { selector } = this
+ function createCanvas() {
+ container = document.querySelector(selector)
+ canvas = {
+ a: document.createElement("canvas"),
+ b: document.createElement("canvas"),
+ }
+ canvas.b.style = CANVAS_STYLE
+ container.appendChild(canvas.b)
+ ctx = {
+ a: canvas.a.getContext("2d"),
+ b: canvas.b.getContext("2d"),
+ }
+ center = []
+ }
+ function resize() {
+ const { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window
+ canvas.a.width = innerWidth
+ canvas.a.height = innerHeight
+ ctx.a.drawImage(canvas.b, 0, 0)
+ canvas.b.width = innerWidth
+ canvas.b.height = innerHeight
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ center[0] = 0.5 * canvas.a.width
+ center[1] = 0.5 * canvas.a.height
+ }
+ function renderGlow() {
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.filter = "blur(8px) brightness(200%)"
+ ctx.b.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.filter = "blur(4px) brightness(200%)"
+ ctx.b.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ }
+ function renderToScreen() {
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ }
+ function draw() {
+ tick++
+ ctx.a.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.a.width, canvas.a.height)
+ ctx.b.fillStyle = backgroundColor
+ ctx.b.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.a.width, canvas.a.height)
+ drawParticles()
+ renderGlow()
+ renderToScreen()
+ window.requestAnimationFrame(draw)
+ }
+ window.addEventListener("load", setup)
+ window.addEventListener("resize", resize)
+ }
+ pipeline() {
+ const pipeCount = 30
+ const pipePropCount = 8
+ const pipePropsLength = pipeCount * pipePropCount
+ const turnCount = 8
+ const turnAmount = (360 / turnCount) * TO_RAD
+ const turnChanceRange = 58
+ const baseSpeed = 0.5
+ const rangeSpeed = 1
+ const baseTTL = 100
+ const rangeTTL = 300
+ const baseWidth = 2
+ const rangeWidth = 4
+ const baseHue = 180
+ const rangeHue = 60
+ const backgroundColor = "hsla(150,80%,1%,1)"
+ let container
+ let canvas
+ let ctx
+ let center
+ let tick
+ let pipeProps
+ function setup() {
+ createCanvas()
+ resize()
+ initPipes()
+ draw()
+ }
+ function initPipes() {
+ pipeProps = new Float32Array(pipePropsLength)
+ let i
+ for (i = 0; i < pipePropsLength; i += pipePropCount) {
+ initPipe(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function initPipe(i) {
+ let x, y, direction, speed, life, ttl, width, hue
+ x = rand(canvas.a.width)
+ y = center[1]
+ direction = round(rand(1)) ? HALF_PI : TAU - HALF_PI
+ speed = baseSpeed + rand(rangeSpeed)
+ life = 0
+ ttl = baseTTL + rand(rangeTTL)
+ width = baseWidth + rand(rangeWidth)
+ hue = baseHue + rand(rangeHue)
+ pipeProps.set([x, y, direction, speed, life, ttl, width, hue], i)
+ }
+ function updatePipes() {
+ tick++
+ let i
+ for (i = 0; i < pipePropsLength; i += pipePropCount) {
+ updatePipe(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function updatePipe(i) {
+ let i2 = 1 + i,
+ i3 = 2 + i,
+ i4 = 3 + i,
+ i5 = 4 + i,
+ i6 = 5 + i,
+ i7 = 6 + i,
+ i8 = 7 + i
+ let x, y, direction, speed, life, ttl, width, hue, turnChance, turnBias
+ x = pipeProps[i]
+ y = pipeProps[i2]
+ direction = pipeProps[i3]
+ speed = pipeProps[i4]
+ life = pipeProps[i5]
+ ttl = pipeProps[i6]
+ width = pipeProps[i7]
+ hue = pipeProps[i8]
+ drawPipe(x, y, life, ttl, width, hue)
+ life++
+ x += cos(direction) * speed
+ y += sin(direction) * speed
+ turnChance =
+ !(tick % round(rand(turnChanceRange))) &&
+ (!(round(x) % 6) || !(round(y) % 6))
+ turnBias = round(rand(1)) ? -1 : 1
+ direction += turnChance ? turnAmount * turnBias : 0
+ pipeProps[i] = x
+ pipeProps[i2] = y
+ pipeProps[i3] = direction
+ pipeProps[i5] = life
+ checkBounds(x, y)
+ life > ttl && initPipe(i)
+ }
+ function drawPipe(x, y, life, ttl, width, hue) {
+ ctx.a.save()
+ ctx.a.strokeStyle = `hsla(${hue},75%,50%,${fadeInOut(life, ttl) * 0.125})`
+ ctx.a.beginPath()
+ ctx.a.arc(x, y, width, 0, TAU)
+ ctx.a.stroke()
+ ctx.a.closePath()
+ ctx.a.restore()
+ }
+ function checkBounds(x, y) {
+ if (x > canvas.a.width) x = 0
+ if (x < 0) x = canvas.a.width
+ if (y > canvas.a.height) y = 0
+ if (y < 0) y = canvas.a.height
+ }
+ const { selector } = this
+ function createCanvas() {
+ container = document.querySelector(selector)
+ canvas = {
+ a: document.createElement("canvas"),
+ b: document.createElement("canvas"),
+ }
+ canvas.b.style = CANVAS_STYLE
+ container.appendChild(canvas.b)
+ ctx = {
+ a: canvas.a.getContext("2d"),
+ b: canvas.b.getContext("2d"),
+ }
+ center = []
+ tick = 0
+ }
+ function resize() {
+ const { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window
+ canvas.a.width = innerWidth
+ canvas.a.height = innerHeight
+ ctx.a.drawImage(canvas.b, 0, 0)
+ canvas.b.width = innerWidth
+ canvas.b.height = innerHeight
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ center[0] = 0.5 * canvas.a.width
+ center[1] = 0.5 * canvas.a.height
+ }
+ function render() {
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.fillStyle = backgroundColor
+ ctx.b.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.b.width, canvas.b.height)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.filter = "blur(12px)"
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ }
+ function draw() {
+ updatePipes()
+ render()
+ window.requestAnimationFrame(draw)
+ }
+ window.addEventListener("load", setup)
+ window.addEventListener("resize", resize)
+ }
+ coalesce() {
+ const particleCount = 700
+ const particlePropCount = 9
+ const particlePropsLength = particleCount * particlePropCount
+ const baseTTL = 100
+ const rangeTTL = 500
+ const baseSpeed = 0.1
+ const rangeSpeed = 1
+ const baseSize = 2
+ const rangeSize = 10
+ const baseHue = 10
+ const rangeHue = 100
+ const noiseSteps = 2
+ const xOff = 0.0025
+ const yOff = 0.005
+ const zOff = 0.0005
+ const backgroundColor = "hsla(60,50%,3%,1)"
+ let container
+ let canvas
+ let ctx
+ let center
+ let gradient
+ let tick
+ let particleProps
+ let positions
+ let velocities
+ let lifeSpans
+ let speeds
+ let sizes
+ let hues
+ function setup() {
+ createCanvas()
+ resize()
+ initParticles()
+ draw()
+ }
+ function initParticles() {
+ tick = 0
+ particleProps = new Float32Array(particlePropsLength)
+ let i
+ for (i = 0; i < particlePropsLength; i += particlePropCount) {
+ initParticle(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function initParticle(i) {
+ let theta, x, y, vx, vy, life, ttl, speed, size, hue
+ x = rand(canvas.a.width)
+ y = rand(canvas.a.height)
+ theta = angle(x, y, center[0], center[1])
+ vx = cos(theta) * 6
+ vy = sin(theta) * 6
+ life = 0
+ ttl = baseTTL + rand(rangeTTL)
+ speed = baseSpeed + rand(rangeSpeed)
+ size = baseSize + rand(rangeSize)
+ hue = baseHue + rand(rangeHue)
+ particleProps.set([x, y, vx, vy, life, ttl, speed, size, hue], i)
+ }
+ function drawParticles() {
+ let i
+ for (i = 0; i < particlePropsLength; i += particlePropCount) {
+ updateParticle(i)
+ }
+ }
+ function updateParticle(i) {
+ let i2 = 1 + i,
+ i3 = 2 + i,
+ i4 = 3 + i,
+ i5 = 4 + i,
+ i6 = 5 + i,
+ i7 = 6 + i,
+ i8 = 7 + i,
+ i9 = 8 + i
+ let x, y, theta, vx, vy, life, ttl, speed, x2, y2, size, hue
+ x = particleProps[i]
+ y = particleProps[i2]
+ theta = angle(x, y, center[0], center[1]) + 0.75 * HALF_PI
+ vx = lerp(particleProps[i3], 2 * cos(theta), 0.05)
+ vy = lerp(particleProps[i4], 2 * sin(theta), 0.05)
+ life = particleProps[i5]
+ ttl = particleProps[i6]
+ speed = particleProps[i7]
+ x2 = x + vx * speed
+ y2 = y + vy * speed
+ size = particleProps[i8]
+ hue = particleProps[i9]
+ drawParticle(x, y, theta, life, ttl, size, hue)
+ life++
+ particleProps[i] = x2
+ particleProps[i2] = y2
+ particleProps[i3] = vx
+ particleProps[i4] = vy
+ particleProps[i5] = life
+ life > ttl && initParticle(i)
+ }
+ function drawParticle(x, y, theta, life, ttl, size, hue) {
+ let xRel = x - 0.5 * size,
+ yRel = y - 0.5 * size
+ ctx.a.save()
+ ctx.a.lineCap = "round"
+ ctx.a.lineWidth = 1
+ ctx.a.strokeStyle = `hsla(${hue},100%,60%,${fadeInOut(life, ttl)})`
+ ctx.a.beginPath()
+ ctx.a.translate(xRel, yRel)
+ ctx.a.rotate(theta)
+ ctx.a.translate(-xRel, -yRel)
+ ctx.a.strokeRect(xRel, yRel, size, size)
+ ctx.a.closePath()
+ ctx.a.restore()
+ }
+ const { selector } = this
+ function createCanvas() {
+ container = document.querySelector(selector)
+ canvas = {
+ a: document.createElement("canvas"),
+ b: document.createElement("canvas"),
+ }
+ canvas.b.style = CANVAS_STYLE
+ container.appendChild(canvas.b)
+ ctx = {
+ a: canvas.a.getContext("2d"),
+ b: canvas.b.getContext("2d"),
+ }
+ center = []
+ }
+ function resize() {
+ const { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window
+ canvas.a.width = innerWidth
+ canvas.a.height = innerHeight
+ ctx.a.drawImage(canvas.b, 0, 0)
+ canvas.b.width = innerWidth
+ canvas.b.height = innerHeight
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ center[0] = 0.5 * canvas.a.width
+ center[1] = 0.5 * canvas.a.height
+ }
+ function renderGlow() {
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.filter = "blur(8px) brightness(200%)"
+ ctx.b.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.filter = "blur(4px) brightness(200%)"
+ ctx.b.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ }
+ function render() {
+ ctx.b.save()
+ ctx.b.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"
+ ctx.b.drawImage(canvas.a, 0, 0)
+ ctx.b.restore()
+ }
+ function draw() {
+ tick++
+ ctx.a.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.a.width, canvas.a.height)
+ ctx.b.fillStyle = backgroundColor
+ ctx.b.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.a.width, canvas.a.height)
+ drawParticles()
+ renderGlow()
+ render()
+ window.requestAnimationFrame(draw)
+ }
+ window.addEventListener("load", setup)
+ window.addEventListener("resize", resize)
+ }
commit 1f86e562dd4053b482547ba0bbc9dc589aad1367
Author: root <root@hub.scroll.pub>
Date: Mon Oct 28 01:39:40 2024 +0000
Added swirl.scroll
diff --git a/swirl.scroll b/swirl.scroll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..701d0af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swirl.scroll
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+script new Background().swirl()